US Mobility Air Forces (MAF) is ordering Aechelon Technology to implement their Common Visual Database solution for C-5, C-17, KC-135, KC-46, and C-130 platforms ranging from FAA Level D devices to advanced stereo boom refueling operator stations for all MAF platforms.

Aechelon Technology will supply their pC-NOVA Nucleus 8-GPU capable Image Generators, a multi-spectral multi-channel ISR grade compact image generator featuring Multi-GPU NVIDIA. The Aechelon Nucleus incorporates GPU-based simulation and stimulation of simultaneous OTW, NVG, and other correlated sensors as part of the solution.

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) will provide Aechelon’s system as Government-Furnished Equipment, yielding higher capability at a lower Life Cycle cost, rapid technology insertion cycles, and sustainability for systems and databases.

Successful integration has already entered testing for KC-135 simulators awarded last year.

Selected due to its advanced technology in IG performance and Aechelon’s high fidelity Global Commercial Database with over $180M invested, the Aechelon visual system provides the USAF with the Low Life Cycle cost and flexibility of the Aechelon Commercial Global Database architecture, which yields savings and increased capability across all MAF. This also increases capabilities for DMO, and provides compatibility with JSE, Navy, Marines, AFSOC, and other DOD users.

Aechelon Technology is also providing its Global Commercial Database with recurring database development for concurrency.

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