Micro Nav Wins Award from Babcock International Group

24 November 2016

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Micro Nav Limited has won a competitive award for the Maritime Air Systems Control Simulator (MASCS), and the Queen Elizabeth Class (QE Class) aircraft carrier's Air Traffic Management (ATM) Synthetic Training Facility.

Awarded by Babcock International Group, the contract is for an undisclosed sum, and is due for delivery via a phased approach throughout 2017.

As the end customer, the Royal Navy will benefit from combining the current Fighter Aircraft Control Training System (FACTS) and Helicopter Control Tower (HCT) simulators at Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS) Yeovilton. The Micro Nav BEST solution will greatly improve training efficiency by enabling controllers on land and on-board with the capability to train on a single solution platform.

To be used for training the QE Class aircraft carrier ship's company, Micro Nav will provide an ATM Synthetic Training Facility comprising an emulated radar display system and a 200-degree 3D Air Traffic Control tower simulator capability.

The single Micro Nav BEST simulator platform, which will simplify and improve supportability and contract management, will also enable commonality in exercise preparation and training, thus reducing the total cost of course delivery. In addition, the Micro Nav BEST simulator product will enable full interoperability and allow flexibility for trainee delegates to be managed flexibly between the various courses.


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