VT MAK updates software suite

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VT MAK released an update to its suite of simulation software, including products: VR-Forces, VR-Vantage and VR-Engage.

All three products share software technology that creates advantages for customers, according to the company, which says the visual quality of VR-Vantage permeates VR-Forces’ 3-D views, bringing better visual correlation to your computer-generated forces (CGF). The company also says the simulation engine that powers VR-Forces is tailored to support immersive first-person experiences in VR-Engage – and when one of its products makes an advancement – for example the addition of CDB support for terrains – the benefit is passed along to the other products in the MAK suite.

VR-Forces v.4.6 offers new features that will improve simulation accuracy and make it easier to use CDB databases, model close-up warfare, or make last-second changes to a scenario. The company says modeling the electronic battlespace is improved dramatically in VR-Forces 4.6, with particular attention given to radar systems and jammers.

VR-Vantage 2.3 adds new features and improvements to visuals, performance and content such as smoother scenes, faster light points, better thread management, shadow performance improvements, better computer graphics techniques, indirect rendering, bindless textures and alpha to coverage multi-sampling techniques.

VR-Engage is MAK’s multi-role virtual simulator that lets you play the role of a first-person human character; a vehicle driver, gunner or commander; or the pilot of an airplane or helicopter. Version 1.2 adds new capabilities, including remote assignment of roles to VR-Engage stations, the ability to interact with simulated control panels and visual interfaces, improved weapon posture and expanded flight simulation capabilities.


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