Rockwell Collins and DRS collaborate on JSAS

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Rockwell Collins and DRS are working together to bid on the Joint Secure Air Combat Training System (JSAS) for the U.K. Ministry of Defence (MOD) Air Support to Defence Operational Training (ASDOT) program, and for the Future Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation System (FACMIS) requirement. JSAS is the next generation Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation (ACMI) solution that brings security, advanced networking, and growth into Live, Virtual, Constructive (LVC) capabilities.

JSAS can interoperate with the P5 waveform, enabling communications between JSAS, the F-35 and existing P5 training pods. Rockwell Collins says JSAS’ networking features lay the foundation for future connectivity to the MOD’s Defence Operational Training Capability (Air) program (DOTC-A) to help deliver the balance of live and synthetic training the MOD wants to achieve.

“This collaboration brings a host of key capabilities to the MoD, including the multi-enclave security and interoperability needed for fifth-generation fighters,” said Sarah Minett, managing director, United Kingdom for Rockwell Collins.

Rockwell Collins and DRS completed the primary design review for their contracted delivery of the Tactical Combat Training System Increment II (TCTS Inc. II) program to the U.S. Navy, which includes similar requirements as the U.K. MOD’s ASDOT and FACMIS programs.

JSAS is built on over 30 years of advanced air combat training experience in the U.S. and internationally and includes DRS-exclusive P5 interoperable waveform for F-35 aircrafts; Live, Virtual, Constructive blended training; and, according to Rockwell Collins, is the only air combat training system supporting advanced multi-enclave training missions with real-time pilot feedback.


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