Cubic to Deliver P5 Combat Training System to US Air Force

14 November 2019

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Cubic Corporation’s Cubic Global Defense business divisionhas been awarded a P5 Combat Training System (P5CTS) contract by the UnitedStates Air Force (USAF). The order includes additional P5CTS airbornesubsystems (pods) for the USAF plus pods and associated ground subsystems for aforeign military sales (FMS) customer. The P5CTS provides high-fidelity, livemission training capabilities for advanced weapons and tactics training. TheP5CTS enhances U.S. and coalition air combat training and allows warfighters totrain as they fight.

“With over 2,000 P5CTS pods and associated ground systems inuse around the world today, this large order from the USAF demonstrates thecontinued training value P5CTS provides on a daily basis from unit leveltraining up to large force training exercises such as Red Flag,” said JonasFurukrona, vice president and general manager of air training solutions, CubicGlobal Defense. “Cubic and Leonardo DRS are continually making capabilityimprovements to the system in support of the USAF goal of sustaining the P5CTSprogram of record beyond 2030. Our system sets the standard for joint andcoalition training.”

Training for today’s advanced threats to air combatoperations requires adaptable, high-fidelity training tools. The P5CTS isdesigned to provide tailorable and scalable instrumentation solutions that bestsupport warfighter needs in air-to-air, air-to-ground and surface-to-air combattraining missions.

P5CTS enhances real-time and post-mission training bydisplaying the live-air picture, recording mission data, adjudicating weaponsengagements and relaying Time, Space and Positioning Information (TSPI) betweenparticipating aircraft during training sorties. Key components of the systeminclude secure, GPS-enabled, aircraft-mounted airborne instrumentation “pods”plus ground stations, which help aircrew conduct, monitor and control aircombat training and post-flight debriefing.


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