University of Defense Snags MASA SWORD

16 October 2020

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MASA Group SA has been selected by the University of Defense in Brno, Czech Republic, to supply their MASA SWORD product. The university principally intends to use SWORD for operational research purposes in the fields of war-gaming, analysis and experimentation.

SWORD was selected for its ability to simulate complex systems and behaviors, excelling at low, medium, and high operational levels. Due to SWORD’s advanced AI capabilities it is possible to simulate complex operations in accelerated real-time with very few operators, or, on occasions, none at all. Several courses of action can be prepared and executed in parallel, and furthermore, the simulation can be queried for evaluation data at any point in time during their execution. The full gamut of post-exercise analysis is evidently also provided.

Having followed a comprehensive training program to achieve a high-level of  proficiency with SWORD, their teams will customize the default content delivered with the product, bringing  it into line with Czech military doctrine. This work will result in an entirely localized version of SWORD, containing Czech units, equipment, terrain, urban environments, and vital infrastructure.

The Vice-Dean for Research Maj. Assos. Prof. Karel Šilinger, PhD. stated that “MASA SWORD has the potential to connect science and research activities carried out at the individual departments of the University of Defense and in the future the same could apply to other military schools and research institutions abroad”. In the hands of the Czech Republic Army, he expects that “the simulator could be used to gauge the value of equipment, devices and systems , prior to purchase”.

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