Merlin delivers additional channel for UD’s MP521 Genesis Visual System

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Merlin Flight Simulation Group has delivered an additional channel for the University of Dayton (UD), Ohio’s MP521 Engineering Flight Simulator’s Genesis Visual System.

The additional channel, displayed at the Instructor Station, provides the option to view the exterior of a generic aircraft so that students may appreciate the dynamics of the total vehicle alongside the cockpit view, or to view the scene from a ball camera mounted on the air vehicle.

The ball camera provides manually controlled pitch, roll, yaw and zoom functions. The University of Dayton are using the latter function to integrate with their Vision Labs (UDVL) Auto Detect and Tracking System (ADTS), which detects and uniquely identifies ground objects independent of weather conditions.

Linking with the UD MP521 enables UDVL to expand research of ADTS outside the confines of FAA realworld flight envelope restrictions. The research will also take advantage of the MP521’s ability to simulate novel air vehicle designs for the purposes of evaluating different camera platforms – UAV, piloted fixed/rotary wing and airship.

The addition to the MP521’s Genesis Visual System was demonstrated to the delegates of The IMAGE Society conference held at Dayton, Ohio at the end of June.

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