EAMTC Discusses Maintenance Training Challenges

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Today’s aviation training environmentdemands innovative and task tailored approaches. A new frontier, methoddevelopment in training, appears as one of the essential and formidable challenges. EAMTC (European Aviation Maintenance TrainingCommittee) is making an effort to face these challenges with members located in four continents of the world.In April, at the 70th General Assembly meeting, hosted by Cargoluxand Luxair, over 100 members met inLuxemburg to discuss, share and review the status of training issues in EASA aswell as the world.

There are two topics that need utmost attention; one is the implementation of the current regulations as well as the continuation of “good practice”operations and the second is the preparation for arriving challenges andsustainability in providing safety perspectives via the aircraft maintenancetraining environment. The demands and expectations of society and the corporateworld create pressures for maintenance training organizations and professionalsto deliver.

Some of the mostcritical training issues discussed in EAMTC that face the industry include theattractionof the young generation into the industry; integration of new technology into training; determination of required newskill sets based on future aircraft; developmentand implementation of more efficient and effective training methods; copingwith the demand of instructional professionals and the development of new instructional skills, qualification, andtraining of professionals; and interacting with regulatorybodies for faster and efficient ways to incorporate the industry’s demands and needs in regulations.

These are someof the most critical issues that take part in discussions and working groups ofthe EAMTC. EAMTC contributes to ICAO’s competency-basedtraining standard development, CACRC’s (Commercial Aircraft Composite RepairCommittee) working group, various EASA working groups such as EM.Tec, DM.Tec,HF.CAG, SAB and Drones. During the bi-annual GeneralAssembly meetings, a great networking stage enables members to interact peer-to-peer and find solutions or bestpractices for their concerns.

An example for such a concern may be, as it is becomingan important subject, how to better assess trainees from basic to type ratingtraining, is a greatly welcomed dialogue by authorities as well as trainingorganizations. The aim is to move awayfrom “copy” “paste” methods and become more learning-centricand innovative while keeping the safety posture solid. The future ofaviation with increases in numbers andtypes of aircraft as well as new technologies creates skill assessment challenges.

EAMTC will continue to bring professionals andorganizations to foster a better trainingenvironment and be a platform for the next generation training vision.

The 71stGeneral Assembly meeting, hosted by ATR, will be held in Toulouse, France, 8-9 October2019.


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