Boeing, Korean Air Extend Flight Training Agreements

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Korean Air along with its sister company Jin Air, haveextended their 20-year aftermarket services relationship with Boeing, signingrenewal agreements for pilot training services and digital solutions at theSeoul ADEX trade show.

Korean Air and Jin Air have each signed five-year renewalagreements for pilot training services across their Boeing fleets. Thisincludes 737, 747, 777 and 787 aircraft for Korean Air, and 737 and 777aircraft for Jin Air.

Additionally, Korean Air has signed a 10-year agreement forJeppesen FliteDeck Pro electronic flight bag (EFB) and digital navigationservices. Jeppesen FliteDeck Pro EFB tools improve operational efficiency andpilot decision-making through digital charting and navigation information.These include Airport Moving Map capabilities on iPad and front-panel avionicsdisplays that increase pilot situational awareness on the ground, and TailoredMap services that integrate navigation information with airline-specific datato enhance operations in flight.


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