American Airlines to Pay Protect Pilots during COVID-19

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Allied Pilots Association (APA), which serves as the certified collective bargaining agent for pilots who fly for American Airlines, convened a voting conference call to approve the Letter of Agreement (LOA) 20-001 – Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Image credit: American Airlines photo by Brandon Wade

APA President CA Eric Ferguson outlines LOA-20-001 below, whichhas two primary provisions: pay protection for pilots impacted by COVID-19, andincentivized voluntary leaves of absence.

Pilots who are placed in quarantine based on concerns relatedto COVID-19 or who are diagnosed with COVID-19 will be pay protected during theduration of the evaluation, treatment, or quarantine. Pay protection alsoapplies to pilots who self-quarantine due to a family member being diagnosedwith COVID-19. Additionally, pilots who call in sick and are subsequentlydiagnosed with COVID-19 will have their sick time restored to their bank andwill be pay protected.

APA will also offer three different voluntary leaves of absences,which are designed to reduce temporary pilot overages caused by currentcircumstances:

Voluntary Extended Leaves of Absence (“VELOA”): A VELOA willbe an unpaid leave; however, the pilot will continue to accrue Length ofService (LOS), will continue to have access to employee benefits at activepilot rates, and will retain travel privileges similar to an active pilot.These leaves may be up to 12 months in duration.

Voluntary Short-Term Leaves of Absence (“VSTLOA”): Pilotswho take a VSTLOA will be paid 55 credited hours per month for the duration ofthe leave. Leaves will be one, three, or six months long. The pilot willcontinue to accrue sick and vacation, be eligible for all benefits at the samerates as active pilots, and retain travel benefits. Pay for the 55 hours willbe eligible for 401(k) contributions and profit-sharing calculations. Pilots ona VSTLOA will be required to maintain currency but will have no other flyingobligations.

Voluntary Permanent Leave of Absence (“VPLOA”): Pilotsbetween the ages of 62 and 65 will be eligible for a VPLOA. VPLOA pilots willbe paid 50 hours per month until age 65. VPLOA pilots are eligible for allbenefits at the same rates as active pilots and retain travel benefits. Pay forthe 50 hours will be eligible for 401(k) contributions and profit-sharingcalculations. At retirement, the balance of the pilot’s sick bank will bedeposited into a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) at 40% of the pilot’sapplicable hourly rate. A VPLOA pilot will remain in this leave until retirement.This leave is permanent and cannot be changed by either the pilot or the company.

The details regarding how these three leaves will beproffered to the membership are contained within the LOA, as well as therequirements and particulars of each leave.


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