The 2020 EBT Global Review: Who, Why, How, What?

25 June 2020

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Evidence Based Training (EBT), a form of Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA), is a training concept that has been growing in attention and adoption in recent years. But where does the industry stand when it comes to this innovation in training? Royal NLR wants to provide a platform for sharing and learning from various experiences, challenges and perspectives in EBT adoption by operators in the industry. It’s time for an EBT global survey and we need your help!

An initiative with and for the industry

The Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR) is a non-profit R&D organisation with a mission to drive innovation in aerospace. We strongly believe that EBT/CBTA is an essential part of reliable, safe and efficient operations in the future. In order to support the adoption of EBT, NLR is hosting this global survey to collect insights about EBT/CBTA adoption around the world – and to subsequently share these with you. Together, we can help improve the quality of pilots, their resilience and their professionalism, and drive innovation in training.

Got five minutes right now? Fill in the five minute global EBT survey here.

The 2020 Global EBT Review

The survey will run this summer and will collect perspectives of operators running EBT, operators not (yet) running EBT, regulators overseeing EBT programs, as well as instructors and pilots engaged in various types of training programs including traditional, A(T)QP, Mixed-EBT and others. The 2020 Global EBT Review will be presented in the second half of this year. Participants of the survey can receive the review, which will be a great source to learn about EBT if you are considering it, as well as inspiration to improve your existing EBT program, and more.

Topics include:

  • Reasons for EBT adoption (or not)
  • Implementation best practices and pitfalls
  • Experienced differences
  • Oversight perspectives
  • Pilot and instructor perspectives

Five minutes of your time = free access to the survey results!

The survey only takes about 5 minutes. By participating, we will provide you with the white paper containing the results of the survey (for free of course). We intend to complete the review around September-October 2020. By participating, you are able to indicate topics that are particularly interesting to you, so that we can include those in the white paper! A preview of the interim results may be available earlier and will be offered exclusively to participants of the survey.

NLR is committing its research expertise but we need your help and input to get the real insights. The more people who fill out the survey, the more valuable the survey becomes for you, and the industry. We invite you to share the link of the EBT survey with colleagues, partners and other industry contacts. 

Help us in creating the most valuable survey for you. Fill in the five minute global EBT survey  here .

For more information or questions please send an e-mail to:

The NLR EBT Team:

Jur Crijnen

Anneke Nabben
Edzard Boland
Jeroen van Rooij
Michel Piers
Frederik Mohrmann

About NLR
Royal NLR is a leading international research centre for aerospace from the Netherlands. Our mission is to make aerospace more sustainable, safer, and more efficient. As an independent organisation, NLR is engaged in developing and implementing innovative training programs including EBT. NLR works alongside industry organisations such as EASA, IATA and ICAO to support the deployment of reliable, effective EBT programs.

For more information about NLR please visit


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