Sign Up for CAT's Latest XR Emergence Webinar

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CAT Leader Forum - Bringing Airlines, ATOs, OEMs & Industry together

Industry Webinar Topic 2 - XR Emergence - 29th April 2021

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Unprecedented external major forces are converging, forcing the aviation industry to look at adaptive and agile new ways of working with significant technologies and trends, simulation services and solutions.

To date, advancements in technology and their application have been focused on increasing the simulation fidelity seen in higher level training devices such as the FFS. However, with the advancement of emerging technologies in the Virtual and Mixed Reality media space, new training possibilities arise.

There are many questions….

- Is it (VR/XR) only there to support traditional training as a replacement for the classroom and traditional chalk and talk approach?

- What part does it play in a blended learning environment or is that the real enabler for current/future generation learning styles?

- How will this immersive technology support self-paced training, remote instruction and training, etc?

- Safety enhancement vs cost benefit…there has to be one so what’s the trade off?

- What are the human factor issues with using it from a technology and training perspective?

- What are the limitations we see today that still need to be overcome?

- Do we need to rethink the role of the instructor and means of instruction in this new VR/XR environment?

- Is current regulation a barrier to wider adoption of this technology into training?

- What advances need to be made in terms of technology, regulation, human factors, training content and standards etc and how do we as industry get there?

These are the questions our expert panel will try to answer in our next Webinar. Remember to register now so you can join us and contribute to this important discussion.

About the series:
Last month, Civil Aviation Training (CAT) magazine, held a Heads of Training online meeting to discuss the “HoT” topics facing the airline training community in Europe. CAT recognizes the need to continue this discussion as it is of utmost importance to our industry. With a select group of stakeholders, we will further address the six critical matters on the regulatory and airline horizon in a series of workshops and webinars.


Webinar Date

Skills Decay

7th April 2021

XR Emergence

29th April 2021

Evidence-Based Training/Competency-Based Training & Assessment

27th May 2021


1st July 2021

Big Data

29th July 2021

Remote Learning


Some of these topics have been with us for multiple years; others are more recent or have become more disruptive to airline training because of the pandemic.

Subject matter experts invited by CAT will discuss these topics in greater depth via a series of working groups. Each session will focus on understanding an individual topic in greater depth, assessing the impact on the industry, and raising awareness or recommending a course of action.

The output of these workshops will be showcased in a series of interactive thought-leadership webinars open to the entire airline training community.

Places are limited to 300.

Halldale members are guaranteed a place, along with all post-event recordings and full reports. To become a Halldale member click  here.


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