High-Speed Maritime Training with New K-Sim Fast Craft Simulator

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Kongsberg’s K-Sim Fast Craft simulator provides coast guard and security force officers with a new training platform for high-speed operations and tactical training.

Theduties of coast guard officers and other maritime security and military forcescan include high-speed pursuit, interception and boarding of fleeing vessels involatile sea conditions. In an occupation where hazardous waters andunpredictable situations often go together, there is zero room for hesitation,indecision, errors of judgement or inadequate preparation.

The coastguard’s role has acquired an additional note of urgency with the global escalationof the terrorism threat. Channel NewsAsia calculated that the Singapore Police Coast Guard (SPCG) checked 22,000vessels over the course of a mere five-month period, for example.

Norwegiancompany Kongsberg Digital (KDI) has responded to calls for the development of fastboat training simulators as a vital aid for tutoring officers in high-speed manoeuvringand interceptionprocedures. Training scenarios for the newthe K-Sim Fast Craftsimulator include basic and advancedvessel-handling, as well as varying levels of confrontation with smugglers orpirates, including weapons firing.

Toprovide as realistic an operating environment as possible, controland communications equipment are customisable to match the specification andconfiguration of differentcraft used by coast guards and security forces. Other adjustable parameters includesea states, wave interaction, visibility, course, speed and sea traffic, withvessels classifiable as friendly or hostile.

The simulatorintegrates the visual and physical input of hydrodynamic forces caused by wind and sea currents, enabling traineesto react to detailed environmental conditions. The Fast Craft simulator’s cylindrical, low-radius,visual projection system provides an enveloping field of view (up to a complete360-degree FOV). The motion platform is capable of replicating the rotationaland linear motions of patrol craft, even at high-speed. With hydrodynamicmodelling capabilities validated by recorded vessel performance data, andtaking distinguishing hull-type characteristics into account, the motionplatform directly contributes toward an accurate duplication of the teamdynamic aboard a high-speed craft in all situations including pursuit mode, soofficers can rehearse implementing split-second decisions as their vesselsattain speeds of up to 60 knots (111 kmh).

The simulator can integrate real instrumentation such asdisplays, controllers and indicators. Replications of multiple firearm types canbe integrated. With this capability, officers can undergo in-depth tacticaltraining on weapon engagements in an immersive, hyper-realistic environment.

Thesimulator can accommodate multiple crew members.

“Presenting this level offunctionality may have struck some observers as a tall order, on the face ofit,” recalls Lars Klemmetsby, Vice President BusinessDevelopment Defence, Kongsberg Digital, “but with our extensive experience indeveloping bespoke K-Sim simulator solutions for a broad range of naval,governmental and commercial clients, we were confident that we have built themost advanced and realistic fast-craft simulator available.”

In October 2018, KDI announced a $21.2million SGD contract with the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs for four K-SimFast Craft tactical boat handling and firing simulators to be delivered by Q12020. The delivery will also encompass installation, project management,commissioning, testing, a 10-year maintenance agreement and an integratedlogistics service.

Wheninstalled, the simulators will constitute the core of a dedicated trainingfacility which will also comprise two briefing/debriefing rooms and twoInstructor Operator Stations. The K-Sim Fast Craft instructor, monitoring andassessment system will offer a palette of modifiable objectives and provideautomatic recording of training exercises so operators can fine-tune subsequentdrills and trainees can receive a comprehensively itemized debriefing followingeach session.

“Coast guardand naval officers not only need to become fully conversant with the techniquesand processes required to confidently take charge of their vessels, but alsoneed to be encouraged to think and act efficiently as a team,” adds Klemmetsby.“It’s a tense and challenging job in a highly changeable setting, in whichinformed discretion has to be applied when, say, apprehending illegalimmigrants or boarding vessels to check for contraband or concealed weaponry,so meticulous training is naturally of the utmost consequence to instilcompetence and minimise risk.”

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