FlightSafety integrates mixed reality, VITAL 1100

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FlightSafetyInternational has developed technology that integrates its mixed reality andVITAL 1100 Visual Systems into Cockpit Procedures Trainers (CPTs). FlightSafetyis demonstrating this approach at the 2019 Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit(AAAA) in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Integrating FlightSafety’s immersivemixed reality capability and VITAL 1100 Visual System will significantlyincrease the effectiveness and efficiency of Cockpit Procedures Trainers,” saidJim Wheeler, general manager, Visual Systems. “This integration can be easily performedon the majority of existing CPT’s. It will enable flight crews to complete awide variety of training objectives that would typically be done in higherlevel training devices such as operationalflight trainers and full flight simulators.”

Pilotswill see and interact with the actual instrumentation and controls of the CPTwhile viewing FlightSafety’s VITAL 1100 real-time imagery on a display. This isaccomplished through a headset integrated with the visual system and equippedwith a 3-megapixel pass-thru camera.

Mixedreality-equipped CPT’s provide an immersive training experience that isdesigned to enhance and accelerate training in a variety of learningenvironments. They can include basic cockpit system and feature familiarization,checklist orientation, engine start procedures and simulation, malfunctionidentification and corrective procedures, as well as taxi maneuvers in afixed-wing aircraft and hover in rotary wing aircraft. These, along with localarea orientation and navigation, traffic patterns, and pitch and power settings,are designed to help crews learn to operate their aircraft safely within theirtypical operating environment.

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