New Collaborative Training Space Opens in Colorado

18 September 2019

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Lockheed Martin’s new state-of-the art facility, PulsarGuardian, has opened in Colorado Springs. Pulsar Guardian is a new class ofcollaborative space that links into a network of fully-immersive workspacesacross Lockheed Martin Space and lets the Air Force and others simulate, testand train in a multi-domain environment that reflects today’s complex spaceenvironment.

For the first time, warfighters can bring in any tool, fromany company, to simulate, test and train in a realistic synthetic spaceenvironment without disrupting real missions. Pulsar Guardian follows the U.S.Air Force Universal Command and Control Interface standard (UCI) and is fullycompliant.

“Pulsar Guardian reflects a new way for space operators toevaluate new systems, changes to existing ones, or train on the platforms theyuse every day,” said Maria Demaree, Lockheed Martin Space vice president andgeneral manager of Mission Solutions. “Wargaming and training have never beenas immersive – it’s a game changer.”

Multi-Domain Operations require new, agile spaces that themilitary can use to integrate, synchronize and simulate battle conditions withoutinterrupting present-day operations. Pulsar Guardian can simulate what anAir-Space-Integration looks like by showing how an unmanned aircraft or fighterjet could interface directly with a satellite and get the right data at theright time to take action. Cyber attacks and mitigations can be tested in asandboxed, collaborative environment.

Pulsar facilities reduce travel time and costs for customersand Lockheed Martin employees through being able to quickly bring subjectmatter experts and engineers from around the globe into the conversation toquickly diagnose a problem, brainstorm a tough problem in real-time, or makechanges to a product on the fly using Virtual and Augmented Reality.

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