US Air Force Base To Improve Vehicle Training with Simulator

10 January 2020

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Hill Air Force Base civilians and military airmen in need of ground transportation training now have an option other than real-world driving due to a new simulator purchased by the 75th Logistics Readiness Squadron.

Staff Sgt. Andrew Bagley, 75th Logistics Readiness Squadron, training validation and operation noncommissioned officer in charge, practices driving in snowy conditions at night with the new vehicle training simulator. Drivers can use the state-of-the-art simulator to train for nearly any driving condition imaginable and in nearly 30 different simulated vehicles. Image credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Cynthia Griggs

“It’s a great training tool,” said Master Sgt. StephenBaskiewicz, ground transportation section chief. “It provides the mostrealistic experience I’ve seen in helping drivers learn how to operatespecialized vehicles before operating the real deal.”

The simulator offers training on nearly 30 differentvehicles, from fire trucks, police cars, buses, tractor- trailers and militaryvehicles such as humvees and mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles, or MRAP.The simulator offers more than 150 preset scenarios and can generate nearly anydriving condition imaginable, as trainers control variables such as weather,road conditions, visibility and malfunctions.

Three 55-inch screens and surround sound gives trainees aninteractive experience very similar to real-world driving.

“The biggest thing this will do is get people used to avehicle before getting in that vehicle,” said Chase Terry, vehicle operatortraining leader. “Their training will be so much more successful if they have ageneral knowledge of how a vehicle works before actually trying to drive.”

Terry said the difference in driving ability between thosewho train on the simulator before driving and those who don’t is“mind-blowing.”

“It’s crazy just how much they learn on this simulator andhow proficient they become before even getting behind the wheel of a realvehicle,” he said.

The acquisition, spearheaded by Baskiewicz, saw firsthandthe advantages of a driving simulator while stationed at a base with asimulator. The Air Base Wing approved his purchase proposal and paid for the$140,000 machine. Baskiewicz estimates the simulator will provide the base asavings of approximately $50,000 to $100,000 annually in preventive maintenancecosts, fuel savings and accident-repair costs.

The simulator was purchased with Squadron Innovation Funds.

Source: US Air Force


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