New Release of MASA SWORD

10 May 2022

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Image credit: MASA

MASA has released version 6.19 of SWORD with a new advanced logistics functionality to train logistic commander and staff at all levels from logistic "store in-charge" up to "Division Logistic Support Base Commanders.”

While the most common depiction of modern military operations involves soldiers in a confrontation with asymmetrical forces in urban or similarly difficult environments, one of the components that determine the outcome of these operations is less visible, but nevertheless equally essential: logistics. The world's highest-performing armored vehicle is rendered useless without fuel and ammunition; the most accomplished soldier becomes ineffective without reinforcements and the necessary supplies: no operation that is stretched, either geographically or in terms of duration, can succeed without adequate logistics support.

In SWORD, every logistic event and action required to immerse a trainee logistic officer can be simulated. In particular, the supply, maintenance, health, and funereal chains are completely represented, from resource consumption to evacuation from the theater of operations, and can be partially or completely automated, or played manually. SWORD logistics is a very detailed module that can address a wide range of logistic scenarios for training and validation.

There are three modes of logistic execution, namely Automatic, Manual and Detailed Manual. The detailed manual mode effects only the supply chain. These modes have different characteristic and can be set differently for each logistic base and for each logistic chain.

Due to the transversal and distinct aspect of their role at the heart of the command post, logistics officers are rarely fully integrated in command post training sessions. Though the logistics component is an integral part of the exercise run to ensure operational realism.

The acknowledgement and processing of logistic requests are entirely automated with SWORD. This is done through the framework defined and configured during the preparation of the exercise. The tactical maneuver is supported by artificial intelligence automated logistics units capable of optimizing the mobilization of their means and bringing the necessary effect for the immersion of trainees in a realistic operational context

With SWORD, the training of logistics officers of a command post is done via specifically designed exercises, during which the tactical maneuver is put to work to stimulate the logistic chains. The aim of these exercises is to make both the logistician and tactician reflect on the importance of operational support for forces, and how to manage the dynamics at the heart of a command post through their communication tools and C2, rather than to train them for their own tasks in their specific domains.

SWORD provides the capability to design exercises with very fine and specific simulation granularity to place logistics officers in a genuinely instructive and insightful situation. With SWORD it is possible to the setup exercises that implement an automated tactical maneuver, or one that require limited intervention, such as the dynamic stimulation of logistic chains. This can be very useful for achieving Tactical and Logistic training objectives together or validating an operational plan keeping logistics in focus.

This mode will facilitate training logistic commander and staff at the level of "Battalion HQ, Brigade HQ and Division HQ" during preparation of the logistic support plan and execution phase of gaming/actual exercise.

Using SWORD in this mode makes it possible to create exercises to train and validate how logistic staff follows procedures.

This exercise setting would include learning objectives for not only CP logistic staff but also all related logistic staffs while stimulating the events through automated realistic scenario provided by SWORD.

SWORD allows creation of these exercises defining very meticulous and specific training objectives for all logistic levels in a genuinely instructive and insightful situation. This mode is most efficient in training only the logistic commander and staff at all levels from logistic "store in-charge" up to "Division Logistic Support Base Commander".

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