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One recurring strength of Halldale’s live events is the professional competencies and credentials the conference tracks’ speakers bring to the community gathering.
Denis Manson, Technical Director, Ten Hammers Digital Training, will keep that tradition alive when he arrives at the podium on Day 2 (9 April) for the Cabin Crew Conference’s 1415-1545 Session 7 on Evolving Technology.
The aviation community veteran and leader will be on “Improving the Realism of Cabin Door Trainers.”
Manson is no stranger to Halldale events having supported the maintenance track through the years and always providing perspectives from his front-row seat of observing and implementing new technologies and instructional designs.
At WATS 2014, he talked about the promise of gamified techniques in technical training.
“It was my first attempt at raising the issue of using different techniques for the newer generations of learners, these kids who had grown up with blurred lines between education and entertainment,” he recalled.
Manson was later at WATS 2016, as he was becoming involved in virtual reality for training, and spoke of his advocacy for targeting the technology to the need, not letting the technology dictate the instructional design.
At APATS 2023 and 2024, Manson provided presentations on the potential for transforming human factors and CRM into a virtual training environment, and the promise of using 3D aviation workplace digital twin for more robust aviation English language training and testing.
Manson is at this year’s WATS in his capacity of wearing two hats, one as an Engineering Training Supervisor at Alliance Airlines, a small air transport operator in Australia, and the other as the co-Director of a start-up company, Ten Hammers, which offers training development services for 3D models, extended realities and interactive environments, plus more general instructional design for safety-critical industries.
With the promise not to divulge Manson’s entire cabin crew presentation, the technology subject matter expert did tell the author he will be discussing a mixed reality project.
He added, it “aims to match virtual reality graphical environment (Embraer E190 cabin door) with tactile resources (door handle cluster replica) to provide extra sensory information, more situational awareness for trainees and, therefore, more effective training. It points to the continuing evolution of technology in providing interesting and robust learning experiences for aviation staff.”
Finger on the Learning Community’s Pulse
While Manson’s particular interest is NGAP (Next Generation of Aviation Professionals) and attracting the new generation to this our industry, he remains attentive of other developments in the broader commercial aviation enterprise.
The technology subject matter reflected that trends in learning technologies since COVID focus on remote learning and techniques also for remote skill assessment. “Learning resources driven by artificial intelligence will also prevail in the next decade, although issues still remain around the ethical use of AI, including data safety.” Another major challenge that is being discussed, especially in maintenance training, is instructor resistance to new technologies.
Value Proposition of Halldale Events and Encouragement to be a Speaker
Manson observed the Halldale stable of conferences “are the pre-eminent source of information about trends in aviation training, and showcase of new products emerging,” and added, “There may be other conferences on the worldwide calendar of aviation-related events, but WATS, EATS and APATS are totally focused on aviation training.”
And beyond attending these live events, the subject matter concluded, if people have something to say, then they should consider a speaking spot at either WATS, EATS, or APATS.
“These are world-class events and the audiences are hungry for strategies, opinions, research findings and new techniques. Let’s share what each other are doing! Large companies and CEOs can learn from the humblest of practitioner, and vice versa. With the right ear, from the right company, your ideas will highlight the efforts of your organization and may help transform the industry!”