Patient-led PFPSC helps patient safety globally

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The World Health Organization (WHO) made patient engagementa priority in 2005 by creating the Patients for Patient Safety (PFPS) Programmeand launching a global network of PFPS Champions committed to the vision andpledge for partnership described in the London Declaration "to make careas safe as possible as soon as possible".

Patients for Patient Safety Canada (PFPSC) is thepatient-led program of the Canadian Patient Safety Institute and the Canadianarm of the WHO PFPS network. Since 2006, PFPSC members have partnered inhundreds of patient safety initiatives across Canada at international,national, provincial and local levels.

In February 2019, the WHO's PFPS Advisory Group invited theCanadian Patient Safety Institute to help guide the global effort to enhancepatient and family engagement for the provision of safer health care. Attendeesacknowledged the extraordinary success of the Canadian Patient Safety Instituteand PFPSC partnership in Canada, considering it an exemplary model that shouldbe replicated in other countries.

At the meeting, the group discussed the recent WHO ExecutiveBoard Global Action on Patient Safety resolution (February 1, 2019), whichurged member countries to recognize patient safety as a key priority. Itrecommends several actions to improve safety, including engagingpatients/patient groups as partners. The WHO Director General was asked tosubmit a progress report on the status of implementation of this resolution in2021; therefore, this resolution presents an extraordinary opportunity for theWHO PFPS program and global community.

Sharon Nettleton, one of PFPSC's founding members and a pastco-chair of the volunteer network, has seen great changes in patient engagementmaking care safer since PFPSC was formed more than a decade ago. "Ourimpact is seen here in Canada and around the world too," says Sharon."Many things we first envisioned when PFPSC began have come true – we'veplayed a major role in developing and improving policies and practices, and ineducation and communication by bringing our perspectives and experiences forward.We've changed hearts and minds by role modeling patient engagement anddemonstrating how successfully it can work. Instead of being seen as'individuals driven by anger or grief', we are now viewed as 'needed partners'who want to be part of 'needed improvements.' Our work empowers us to continueand also encourages others to engage and contribute as patient partners."

In Canada, PFPSC regularly reviews and revises its goals andpriorities to ensure they advance safe care. The group is confident theircurrent priorities are well aligned with the recommendations in the 2019 WHOresolution. These include medication safety, engaging the public and electedofficials in advancing safe care, and partnering with other patient groups toadvance common patient safety goals.

"Over the last decade, PFPSC has progressed from beingasked to share their experiences, to now increasingly being asked to contributeas full members of committees, boards, faculty and teams. It has been a realculture shift to help improve safety," says Linda Hughes, PFPSC Co-Chair."We have championed not only our patient safety cause but also how toeffectively engage and empower patients. We have developed a very credible andinfluential community of patient and family partners across Canada. We arecommitted to the long-term journey ahead where patients and families are seenas true partners as common practice in every interaction, every setting, andevery health system level."

In April 2017, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute wasdesignated as a WHO Collaborating Centre for Patient Safety and PatientEngagement. To date, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute is the onlyCollaborating Centre in the world to receive the patient engagementdesignation.


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