Accepting applications for $100,000 Patient Safety Curriculum Award

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The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), inpartnership with the Patient Safety Movement Foundation (PSMF), is nowaccepting proposals for the Patient Safety Curriculum Award. The $100,000 awardwill go to an anesthesia education investigator with the intent to modify thePSMF Patient Safety Curriculum to address perioperative patient safety. Theawardee will also test the educational efficiency and effectiveness ofimplementing the curriculum in anesthesia training programs.

“This important work will add to the considerable valueprovided by PSMF’s Patient Safety Curriculum,” said Mark Warner, APSF president.“To ensure the safety of patients and achieve our collective goal of zeropreventable deaths in hospitals, it’s imperative to educate and train medicalprofessionals in patient safety.”

To be eligible, applicants must meet the followingrequirements:

  • Be an anesthesia professional (i.e., anesthesiologist, nurse anesthetist, or anesthesiologist assistant).
  • Hold a full-time position in a Department of Anesthesiology at a U.S. academic institution.
  • Have a documented interest in and aptitude for anesthesia education and patient safety.

Additional proposal requirements are available at the APSF website. The deadline for submittals is 5:00 p.m. CDT, December 31, 2019. Notification of the award will be made March 6, 2020.

“I can’t think of a better organization to partner with onthis project than the APSF. This program will help healthcare professionalsdevelop the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviors necessary to eliminatepreventable medical errors,” said Dr. David Mayer, PSMF CEO. “It builds uponthe great work done by our Patient Safety Curriculum workgroup in developingthe existing coursework.”


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