Tiber Health's MSMS Program Helps Prevent Drop Outs

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Tiber Health is opening access to healthcare education tohelp create more medical professionals in communities that desperately needthem. In years past, the high costs, high stress, and high expectations ofhealth science education have caused more students to drop out or fail theirBoard exams, resulting in a growing shortage of doctors. To combat this, TiberHealth is partnering with universities and just this week, launched their MSMSprogram at St. Thomas University (Miami) and Saint Xavier University (Chicago).

Tiber Health equips academic institutions and their teamswith the ability to market the MSMS curriculum. The methodology offers partneruniversities the opportunity to expand their health science offerings, addgraduate-level STEM programs that can appeal to a more diverse studentpopulation, and match medical and pre-health students to their optimal careerpaths. Tiber Health provides the faculty, material, dynamic class lectures, andlive classroom sessions. Partner Universities need to provide the facility andclassroom for students to attend the live sessions.

"With Tiber Health's MSMS program, universities can nowoffer another option to students. In addition to helping students gainacceptance into and succeed in medical school, the MSMS also provides pathwaysinto teaching, health occupations or alternative doctoral healthcare programs,"said Erick Miranda, vice president of Tiber Health University Partnerships.

The curriculum raises the bar for everyone, especially forfirst-generation and underrepresented students. Partnering with universitiesallows Tiber Health to scale health science education and make it accessible toareas that need it most.

Tiber Health's technology-driven MSMS expands anddiversifies healthcare education at a fraction of the cost. For students, thismeans a preview of the first year of medical school that teaches them what toexpect in the field. For schools, it is an opportunity to grow health sciencesenrollment and potentially create new pathways for students. Upon receivingtheir MSMS, algorithmic data predicts medical board results for each student.

Ponce Health Sciences University (PHSU) in Puerto Rico became an example of Tiber Health's curriculum potential. It has dramatically changed the number of students admitted into medical school and has given students who would otherwise be turned away the opportunity to become physicians.

Outcomes include:

  • Board pass rates increased from 62 percent to over 90 percent,
  • Medicine degree applications increased by 30.4 percent
  • Since 2015, the MSMS graduation rate has been 71.29 percent
  • Residency match rate increased from 85 percent to 89 percent
  • 75 percent of students in the first MSMS class received admission into medical school and outperformed their peers (100 percent USMLE Board passage rate).

PHSU is experiencing growth that continues to expand thenumber of new medical professionals in Puerto Rico. This methodology isscalable and schools like St. Thomas University (Miami) and Saint XavierUniversity (Chicago) are already taking advantage of this opportunity.

Founded by a team of educators, medical professionals,financiers, and entrepreneurs, Tiber Health uses a dynamic flipped classroomapproach to equip students for their career paths. Students are given thetechnology and resources to learn on their own before they come to class, sothat class time is efficiently spent solving clinical scenarios and havingintellectual discussions with their peers and professors. Tiber Health'stechnology can accurately predict student performance on Board exams. Thisallows professors to intervene in time to prevent drop-outs. Based on theseweekly assessments, professors can customize their lessons to cover specificareas of improvement for students. The MSMS has proven to increase Board passrates, medical school admission, and retention rates.

The MSMS curriculum delves deeper than just memorizingmaterial and passing a standardized test. The program is successful due to thedelivery method of course content, more collaboration in classrooms, and earlywarning systems that identify problems before they begin. These early warningsystems can also provide solutions for minority representation in the medicalfield and health sciences.


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