ICAO-WHO Publish Joint Statement on COVID-19

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The World Health Organization (WHO) and the InternationalCivil Aviation Organization (ICAO) published a joint statement providingupdated advice regarding COVID-19 and civil aviation.

Image credit: ICAO

Signed by the Director General of the WHO, Dr. TedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesus, and by ICAO Secretary General Dr. Fang Liu, the statementalso reaffirms their commitment as UN specialized agencies to foster greaterinternational cooperation to contain the virus and to protect the health oftravellers.

The statement noted the importance of States adhering to ICAO and WHO standards relating to the prevention of the spread of communicable diseases, and to follow the International Health Regulations (2005).

ICAO itself has been working closely with governments andindustry partners such as the International Air Transport Association (IATA)and Airports Council International (ACI), to provide guidance to aviationauthorities, airlines and airports, and advice to individuals, on appropriatemeasures that will protect the health of travellers and reduce the risk oftransmission.

ICAO issued two electronic bulletins and a State letter tourge Member States to adhere to the recommendations and guidance provided bythe WHO, and to highlight ICAO’s role in providing aviation-related informationon COVID-19, and in serving as the key facilitator for States and organizationsthat are members of the ICAO Collaborative Arrangement for the Prevention andManagement of Public Health Events in Civil Aviation (CAPSCA) programme toimplement effective collaboration and coordination with all stakeholders.

The ICAO State letter directly urged national governments toimplement the relevant provisions of Annex 9 to the Convention on InternationalCivil Aviation (Chicago Convention), to formalize their membership in CAPSCAand augment its funding for communicable disease response preparedness, and toestablish a National Air Transport Facilitation Committee.

Given the importance of considering detailed health anddisease information alongside civil aviation policies and proceduressurrounding COVID-19, both ICAO and the WHO have been working closely togetherin recent weeks in order to develop expert advice and ensure coordinated globalaction.

Their statement stressed the importance of greaterpublic-private cooperation and inter-agency dialogue, and accordingly has urgedStates and relevant organizations to join ICAO’s CAPSCA.

Government aviation and health officials were also remindedto enhance cross-sector collaboration at the national level and establishNational Facilitation Committees as required by ICAO Standards.

The new joint statement comes amidst increased internationalcooperation in order to coordinate a more effective response to COVID-19, andwas welcomed by aviation industry groups.

“Stopping the spread of the virus is the top priority,”underscored Mr. Alexandre de Juniac, IATA’s Director General and ChiefExecutive Officer.

“IATA and the airlines are working closely with WHO, ICAO,and ACI to ensure that harmonized and updated procedures are made available inorder to keep passengers safe, the world connected, and the virus contained.Travellers should be reassured that the industry is prepared to deal withcommunicable diseases as a result of experiences with previous outbreaks. TheInternational Health Regulations of WHO are the established foundation for thecoordinated global effort that will be required by all involved”

Ms. Angela Gittens, Director General of ACI similarlyexpressed appreciation towards the multi-sector and multi-agency communicationreflected in the statement.

“The COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on aviation hashighlighted the need for effective coordination and a proportionate responsefrom States,” she highlighted. “ACI welcomes the leadership shown by ICAO andWHO in this regard and would urge States to follow WHO advice. The health andwelfare of travellers, staff and the public, and limiting the spread ofcommunicable diseases, are the priorities for the aviation industry, so it isin all of our interests to have a common, easily understood, approach to helpto prevent the spread of illness. We also welcome the practical steps suggestedby WHO that can assist travellers to protect themselves.”

The joint statement complements the ongoing efforts of ICAOand WHO in response to COVID-19.

ICAO has also published a new web area to serve as a singlesource for civil aviation-related information on COVID-19. Daily statistics onthe evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak and its impacts on aviation are alsomade available through the site.


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