Use of figurine-based wargames/military archeology as PTSD treatment

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"As a lapsed wargamer and Napoleonic enthusiast I was interested to see this piece in the UK London Times newspaper on a recreation of the battle of Waterloo using 22,000 miniatures as a way of not only raising money for soldiers’ charities but also to raise awareness of the Waterloo Uncovered program, which uses military archeology as therapy for those dealing with PTSD." – Andy Smith, MST publisher

The University of Glasgow hosted the world’s biggest historical table-top war game, replaying the Battle of Waterloo. A total of 22,435 28-milimeter soldiers, a figure which was verified by an independent auditor, were fielded on a historical map measuring 192 square meters, which recreated the Belgium battlefield of 1815.

A team of 120 players, made up of war gamers and military veterans of more recent British conflicts, travelled to Scotland from all over the world. Players taking part in the Great Game: Waterloo Replayed came from European countries including the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and France, and all over the United Kingdom, Ireland, USA, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore.

The rematch of the famous battle– which marked the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte by allied forces led bythe Duke of Wellington – was in aid of Waterloo Uncovered, the charity formilitary veterans, which has been investigating the archaeology of the Waterloobattlefield since 2015.

The charity uses a team ofprofessional archaeologists, including Professor Pollard, alongside veteransand serving military personnel, many of whom suffer from a range of physicaland mental injuries because of their service, including Post Traumatic StressDisorder (PTSD).

Mark Evans, of WaterlooUncovered, said: “In line with our charity’s aims of veteran and injuredsoldiers’ engagement, the Great Game was played out with both experienced wargamers and serving personnel and military veterans of more recent conflicts,including Afghanistan and Iraq.”

And just as in real life, theAllied-led forces emerged as the victors in Glasgow. Although in this GreatGame rematch of the armies of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke was a much closeraffair – although even at the time Wellington described it as “A Damn close-runthing!”

The miniature soldiers,representing every battalion, regiment and battery which took place in the realBattle of Waterloo, were painted over the last year by wargaming enthusiasts,veterans’ groups, students and members of the public. It is estimated that ittook more than 50,000 hours to paint the miniature soldiers over the last yearso they could be fielded in the Great Game at the university.

Professor Tony Pollard, theUniversity’s professor of Conflict History and Archaeology, said: “We hopedthat the Great Game would capture the public’s imagination and help to raisethe profile of Waterloo Uncovered. We have been absolutely astonished at thereaction to this and delighted to welcome so many players and spectators to theUniversity of Glasgow.”

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, principal and vice-chancellor of the University of Glasgow, who played Napoleon in the Great Game and helped lead the French Great Game forces, said: “I thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Great Game although a bit disappointed my side didn’t win. It was a very close-run thing and I think it shows how history could have been so different if different choices had been made in the 1815 Battle of Waterloo.”

Source: University of Glasgow


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