BISim Releases VBS3 20.1

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Bohemia Interactive Simulations (BISim) has released updates to VBS3. VBS3 20.1 comes with VBS Map, a new HTML-based external map tool, enhanced civilian Artificial Intelligence (AI) pedestrian and traffic pattern-of-life behaviors (available for multiplayer use through the VBS3 Bundle), a new modular helicopter instrumentation system, and more than 100 new 3D models representing new civilian, UK, UN, Russian and Chinese vehicles, characters and environmental objects. Customers can access the new version using the VBS License Manager.

ADF HX77 military truck in VBS3 20.1. Image credit: BISim

VBS Map is a new stand-alone map application designed forusers to train in VBS3 with a customizable 2D map, and for administrators to beable to set up, observe and evaluate all trainees from one admin station. Thisnew capability was funded in part by a major European user.

Training administrators and instructors can use VBS Map tocreate presets with stored map configurations or configure trainee maps in realtime to simulate real-life device functions. For example, the map can be lockedto a specific view and administrators can control what other units and militarysymbols will appear to trainees on their map. Administrators can also customizethe appearance of the virtual device trainees by uploading an image of the devicethey are emulating and customize its functionality. Admins can also select whattype of coordinates trainees will see and enable VBS Chalkboard drawings fortrainees to view on their maps.

A set of pre-programmed AI behaviors for the most commontraining use cases, VBS Control Behavior Pack 1 is available for multi-playertraining uses as part of the VBS3 Bundle. VBS Control Behavior Pack 1 leveragesthe VBS Control runtime, which has been supplied for free with all versions ofVBS3 since VBS3 17.2. Control AI behaviors will interact with the VBS3 existingAI system.

The updates to VBS Control Behavior Pack 1 for VBS3 20.1offer administrators expanded control of the civilian AI population behaviors.This includes enabling or disabling the civilian population on demand, usingtriggers to start/stop various population activities in defined areas, andlinking civilian activities to areas for different functional purposes. Crowdscan also be formed using special activities that interrupt other civilianpattern-of-life activities.

The updates also include a new civilian panic behavior thatcan be triggered locally, both manually and automatically by administrators.Panic behaviors can also be set to end after a specified duration or endedmanually. Administrators can also configure safe zones for civilians to fleeto.

The realism of civilian traffic has also been enhanced. VBS320.1 now features multi-lane traffic by default and restricted areas can beapplied to traffic defining where civilian AI vehicles can and cannot travel.Vehicle traffic flow can now be regulated by placing traffic signs and lightsnear junctions and crosswalks.

To support scenario designers in discovering possible issueswith their civilian pattern-of-life setup, VBS3 20.1 also introduces newcivilian debug and visualization tools.

In VBS3 20.1, BISim introduces a new helicopterinstrumentation system, which features a cockpit HUD displaying varioushelicopter gauges as part of the vehicle interaction system. These include ananemometer, radiosonde, altimeter, artificial horizon, variometer, gyrocompassand chronometer. Any helicopter in VBS3 may be equipped with the HUD byadjusting individual helicopter model and gauge configurations.

The latest updates to VBS3 also include improvements to VBSRadio, the built-in voice and radio communications simulation. The updatesinclude a new “Admin Announcements” button and channel that allowadministrators to broadcast to all units in the scenario simultaneously. Alsonew in VBS Radio, administrators and instructors can also access a new “Speakto Trainee” capability that allows them to speak directly to a specifictrainee.

“Continuous enhancement remains a core aspect of BISim’sapproach to its product development including VBS3 and all of these newfeatures will be ported to VBS4, our next generation virtual desktop trainerand simulation host, so customers who upgrade experience a seamless transitionbetween versions,” said Oli Arup, Senior VP, Product Management.


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