Dstl, DECA join forces for defence innovations

25 February 2019

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The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) has opened an office within the Defence Electronics and Components Agency (DECA) in MOD Sealand in North Wales, U.K.

The two Ministry of Defence (MOD) executive agencies haveagreed to look at various new, innovative ways in which they can work togetheracross a range of science, technology and engineering areas to make MODequipment programmes more cost effective, more resilient for longer and bettersuited to the operational needs of the U.K. Armed Forces, in particular.

Dstl has set up a ‘pathfinder’ function within DECA’s mainfacility at MOD Sealand to begin planning for the rapid establishment of ajoint Dstl/DECA collaboration team.  Thiswill see staff from both organisations taking part in exchanges, apprenticeshipopportunities, education, continuing professional development, ‘best practice’benchmarking visits and inter-Agency networking.

Over time they intend to find new ways of working to supportthe U.K. Government’s Prosperity Agenda through collaboration with industry,wider government and the devolved governments of the U.K., as well as alliedand partner nations.


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